Maxcool Heat Pump for Drier



What is a heat pump?

thermal energy It is used a lot both in daily life and in the manufacturing industry in office buildings. or in various factories for heating inside the building Heating takes up most of the energy from the combustion of fuel. But now with the need to save more energy. and control CO2 emissions to prevent global warming. Heat Pump is another alternative to heating energy. which can recycle the heat energy of the circulating refrigeration system.

(Heat Pump) It is a device used to transfer low temperature heat from one source (Heat Source) to heat up. Then sent to the desired source which has high heat (Heat Sink). It can be said that Heat Pump works by transferring heat from surrounding air or water. cause the temperature to rise and then sent to transfer heat to air or water where the water is needed In addition to heating water, heat pumps are also used for drying hot air, warming indoor air, dehumidifying air, etc.

(Heat Pump) How does it work?

The working principle of the heat pump system is the same as the cooling system. But it’s different in that the Evaporator cooling system absorbs the amount of heat that enters the refrigerant. In order to get the cold to use, but the Heat Pump will transfer the heat energy of the refrigerant that passes through the Compressor to water or air. to increase the temperature of the water Water can be used in different parts. as appropriate The heat pump’s hot water temperature is generally not more than 70 degrees Celsius (<70 C), depending on the type of refrigerant used.

Why choose Maxcool Heat Pump ?


  • Does not destroy the ozone layer (low GWP value, ODP equal to 0)
  • There is a system to control automatic operation with a temperature control set.
  • Save electricity 2-3 times than heater
  • It can reduce energy consumption by 50% compared to a system that uses fuel or steam.
  • able to control the rate of hot water supply consistently to be used to control and maintain the quality of the product (Drying at a temperature not higher than 85 ° C, with the moisture released from the heat pump having low moisture characteristics)
  • Able to control the process of sending hot water from the machine consistently.
  • Makes the maximum temperature up to 80-85 °C
  • Suitable for drying plants, herbs, drying wood, building materials. Drying agricultural products, seafood, tobacco leaves, plastic production equipment, rubber, etc.
  • Get cooling from blowing at a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius.

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Internal equipment of heat pump to produce high temperature hot water (Product Detail of Heat Pump for Drier)


Heat pumps for hot water drying (Heat Pump Drier) should be installed in a well-ventilated area. for efficiency in hot water There should be no obstructions in the air inlet and outlet. The cold air emitted from the machine should be released into the atmosphere or connected to the air duct for use in pre-cooling the air before entering the air conditioner.
